Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Welcome to America my friends, land where there is no cure for schizophrenia

I don't know whether some people related to those negatively affected by the illness, while at the same time do not understand that the number of harmful individuals that are schizophrenics is the same as that of the general population, may advocate harm against us. I do know that the country as a whole isn't working hard enough at finding a cure, not because of lack of awareness of the issue, but because of ruthless discrimination. In physics, it may take a few years from the development of a theory to the fruition of experiment, why is it that the current status of social change in this country allows for help provide reasonable income and truly safe housing on the condition that you wait 10 years to get it, if at all? We see the issue at hand, yet we do nothing. History has taught us in the past that those with something to discriminate against are often punished severely for their misfortune. Unfortunately, the normal things that are in place to prevent discrimination of race for example are not in place to prevent discrimination of schizophrenics. Will this social change happen? time will tell.

Will things change for the worse? It only takes one madman to cause chaos, and with the growing trends in neuropsychiatry such as the use of thalamotomy (lesioning of the core hub of the brain) to cure pedophilia, and the growing interest in drugs that alter the brain in more dramatic ways than just preventing the illness of schizophrenia - much more is at stake.

People with severe mental illness should have the freedom to live on welfare if they choose, and not face bleak employment outlooks and discrimination in the workplace.

We are perhaps a very short time from being at the same level of "maturity" that causes genocide in our country, and we should do everything possible to stop it.